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Making Your Probationary Period Count

As Probation Blog

Starting a new job can be daunting. Gone has the elation of finding the new role, now you have to prove you can do what you say you can – in a new environment and with people who do not know you yet. Getting to grips with your role and the new company quickly and impressing during your probation period is essential. Here at AutoSkills, we support candiates into their new role, so be sure to get in touch if you’re looking for a new job. Here are our top tips for making the probation period count.


Make sure that you are punctual. That includes being in the office on time, but also make sure you are at office meetings in good time. Ensure you are aware of the agenda and have done as much background reading to be able to make a contribution to the meeting.


Have an open attitude to all new things. This will give the impression you are open to new ideas but do not commit without a good understanding of the implications.

Conform. Make sure your dress sense conforms to the standards in the rest of the office. You do not want to stick out for all the wrong reasons. That doesn't mean you have to lose your individuality, but maybe tone it down so that you look like to fit the culture that is already there.


This is not the time to shy away from your achievements. Be vocal in your contributions to projects so that people can see the impact you are having on the office. If there is something that you feel you are able to improve, mention it, but be careful in your approach. You do not want to be seen to criticise the existing process, therefore, aim to work alongside the team to make changes rather than take it on as your own.


Make sure you have an active workload, and seek out more work if you are able to cope. It is a fine line between taking on too much, but you do not want to give the impression you are there for an easy ride.


Get to know people throughout the organisation – not just in your department. Take advantage of any social activities as these are often great ways to make personal connections quickly.

We wish you all the best at Auto Skills UK, get in touch for support with your new role today.